Android Archive

The best online casinos for tablet and iPad gamers. It doesn’t take much to start enjoying real money casino games on your Android tablet or iPad. All you need is 1) a tablet, 2) knowledge of the games, and 3) a viable payment method. Today we’ll cover a basic run down of how to...

Your new Apple iPhone or iPad may soon warn of excessive use. We love our technology. Smartphones and tablets have become vital parts of our everyday lives. If you’re old enough, you’ll remember when the only phone in the house was attached to the kitchen wall (with a cord), and pay phones were on...
Category Android, Android, Apple, Apple iOS, Mobile Devices, News, Samsung, Technology

Blockchain Betting: Will 2018 be the Year of Bitcoin Gambling? If the term Blockchain means nothing to you, you may have spent 2017 under a rock. Or, perhaps you don’t follow anything regarding the global finance market. Blockchain refers to any form of Ethereum-based money, aka digital currency or crypto-currency, such as Bitcoin. It...
Category Android, Android, Apple, Apple iOS, Bitcoin, Casino Games, Desktops, Mobile Devices, News, Payment Methods, Roulette, Technology