Mobile Devices Archive

Will the experience of iPhone X online casinos break any molds, or just Apple customers’ budgets? In 16 days, die-hard fans of the iPhone series will be able to pre-order the biggest, baddest Apple smartphone to date. It’s called the iPhone X (pronounced iPhone Ten), in celebration of Apple’s 10th anniversary producing these esteemed...
Category Apple iOS, Mobile Devices, News

Data shows online and mobile sports betting accounts for half of global internet gambling market. How popular is sports betting in today’s global iGaming sector? More than you might think. According to the online and mobile gambling gurus at H2 Gaming Capital and iGaming Business, sportsbooks account for 50% of the worldwide market. These...
Category Casino Games, Mobile Devices, News, Sports Betting
The skill-based gambling revolution is upon us as Gamblit Gaming prepares to debut Pac-Man Battle Casino at G2E 2017. Next week, the world’s largest annual gambling expo is set to take place in Las Vegas. All of the industry’s biggest and up-and-coming manufacturers will be there. While slot machines are sure to continue their...
Category Android, Apple iOS, Casino Game Reviews, Casino Games, News

Royal Vegas Flash instant play casino available 24/7 on any device. There’s something to be said for instantaneous delivery of entertainment. We are a modern society with so much technology at our fingertips, we’ve created a demand for immediate gratification. Netflix thrives because we want to watch what we want, when we want. A...
Category Android, Apple iOS, Blackjack, Casino Games, Mobile Devices, Slot Machines, Video Poker

Developers sucking the “fun” out of the best games for Android phones. Fifty years ago, casinos thrived because slot machine developers were focused on making new games with attractive themes that players genuinely enjoyed playing. Slots manufacturers made money, casinos made money, and players had fun. It was a simple strategy that worked, and...
Category Android, Casino Games, Mobile Devices, Slot Machines

The concatenation of evolution from online to mobile casinos in 2017. I still remember when the online gambling industry was in its infantile stages. In fact, that’s what everyone called it – “infantile stages” – as they predicted revolutionary growth throughout the early to late 2000’s. Grow it did, but not so dramatically as...
Category Android, Apple iOS, Casino Games, Mobile Devices

Craps strategy app for Android: Learn to play Craps w/ Craps Trainer Free or Pro edition. Almost every casino game ever devised can be played with some type of strategy to increase the player’s chances of winning. Rarely is it possible to push the house edge into the player’s favor, but knowing what you’re...
Category Android, Casino Game Reviews, Casino Games, Craps, Mobile Devices